Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)
MCCS is pleased to offer a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) program through Aetna Inc, to eligible NAF employees. Flexible Spending Accounts let you set aside money on a pre-tax basis to reimburse yourself for certain health care and dependent care expenses. There are two types of Flexible Spending Accounts
Health Care FSA: Up to $3,200 per year can be set aside in a Health Care FSA to reimburse eligible medical, dental and vision expenses that aren't covered by your medical plan (including co-pays, coinsurance, deductibles and eligible over the counter items). Unused Health Care FSA funds up to $640 may be carried over to the next year as long as you are still in the plan as of the last day of the plan year and you did not enroll in a HDHP and Heath Savings Account (HSA). Over the counter medicines require a prescription to be eligible for FSA reimbursement. Other eligible items are still approved for reimbursement without a prescription such as band aids, contact lens solution, etc. Visit www.inspirafinancial.com for complete details.
Dependent Care FSA: Up to $5,000 per year can be set aside in a Dependent Care FSA to reimburse expenses for child or adult day care services that you need because you work, If you file a separate tax return from your spouse, the maximum reimbursement is $2,500 for each of you. (You may want to talk to your tax advisor about the tax benefit of this plan). *
New Employees have 31 days from their date of hire to enroll in the Flexible Spending Account (FSA) program.
Those hired or converted to a regular position after October 1st will have to defer enrollment until the next plan year(during open enrollement).
Learn more online at www.inspirafinancial.com
You may also view an online presentation at www.payflex.jellyvision-conversation.com/ for Health Care and Dependent Care spending accounts, if you still have any questions, please call Aetna FSA at 1-800-416-7053.
* Please refer to the FSA Summary Plan Description for additional important information such as the impact of child care subsidy at military child development centers.